Firstly we all hope that you and your team are all well and remaining relatively sane amongst the turmoil covid has caused.
Like you we have all been working from home and adapting to the “new normal”.
The new normal is anything but “the usual, typical, or expected state or condition” where the only consistent is change requiring incredible agility, flexibility and adaptability almost on a daily basis.
We have been busy remotely helping our customers adapt to home working through our home working offer as detailed below during the last few months but now feel we can start to engage again with those of you that would like to look again at Agile working.
Are you ready to go Agile? – We’re ready when you are.
Talk to us about starting your Journey to Agile with DataSpace Live
From integrating Agile into your current process to a fully functional office solution across your team, clients and consultees in one hosted solution.
We are looking to reintroduce our Agile working seminars from early September and working individually with your Authority in the meantime through MS Teams conferencing or face to face where distancing guidance can be met.
We going to be making your journey to Agile much simpler by breaking it down into smaller easy to consume pieces that can but put together to get you to your final destination.
You can start with your favourite points of interest then visit other parts as your requirements grow.
Your vehicle will be deliberately short videos that can be watched individually or as a team and put together as time or requirements allow. We will then join you on the journey through a longer meeting, virtual or face to face, which takes longer but allows us to go through things in more detail and you to ask questions.
There are significant efficiency improvements along your journey with the final destination offering an all-inclusive hosted Building Control solution for your team your consultees and clients.
We have broken the journey into five main stages
1. On site inspections for your surveyors InspectMate and your site contacts SiteMate.
2. Shared Plan checking for your team and your clients
3. Consultations with your statutory and wider team consultees.
4. Application Management.
5. Integration.
We will be working through in the above order starting with site inspections for your inspectors and your clients but if you want to jump right in now and look at how the whole journey fits together we can put together a meeting for you.