Development Room
In this section you can keep up to date about what new functionality, tools and modules have recently been added to DataSpace-Live as well as our other products. We'll also let you know what our development team are currently working on at the moment. If you have any questions about a new release or have a suggestion about something you'd like to see in DataSpace-Live, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Inspection Updates - 2019
The Inspection app has had many recent improvements all aimed at improving speed and ease of use and mainly from end user feedback. We have added the ability to quickly add multiple photos, dictate descriptions, and improved the ability to collect photos from your gallery. Synchronising inspections for quick departure has improved giving you the ability to just synchronise applications you are visiting today or tomorrow. We have also improved readability within the app, green highlighting Inspections scheduled for today, and in red for ones in the past. To facilitate a dated photo report, you can now ensure comments and photos are dated the same day as the inspection even if you add them the morning after your visit. Read
We've been carrying out some mini updates refining or adding to our existing tools in DSLive. These include:
Inspections - updates to photos, dictation, downloading applications, creating regimes. View Details>
Application Workflow - workflow status and multiple workflows for each application form. View Details>
Site Contacts - You can now delete site contacts. View Details>
Document List - A new button for copying a list of the documents to the clipboard. View Details>
The Client Folder
Recently DataSpace-Live has seen the addition of a new ‘Client’ folder to the application ‘Documents’ tab. The ‘Client’ folder enables authorities to quickly and easily share documents with the applicant/agent such as completion certificates or inspection documents. Sharing documents is as easy as dragging and dropping them from the main list of application documents into the new ‘Client’ folder, which will automatically cause the documents to appear in the applicant/agent’s own Submit-a-Plan account where they can view them. The applicant or agent will also receive a notification email that documents have been shared with them.
The addition of the client folder follows our recent release of ‘Standard Documents’, a facility enabling authorities to create a range of documents online within DataSpace-Live itself. Authorities can create and edit their own templates for initial notices, approval certificates, inspection reports and standard letters which can then be shared as a final document with an applicant, agent or another contact straight from DataSpace-Live itself. The ‘Client’ folder makes sharing such a document with the applicant or agent even quicker, meaning it will take authorities as little as 4 or 5 brief steps to create and share a document.
Client Folder

Site Contact App
This module is comprised of both a cutting edge mobile and tablet App for Site Contacts and a specialised 'Inspections' section within both the authority and Site Contact's DataSpace-Live account where they can communicate with one another about inspections.
Using the App on their phone or tablet a Site Contact can view details, updates and results of site inspections, contact the authority and even request an inspection visit.
The Site Contact App along with our corresponding Surveyor's Inspections App is designed to offer a complete and advanced electronic inspection solution that is intuitive of the processes, requirements and conditions related to Local Authority building control inspection.
Our new plan-checking solution PlanCheck will be located under a new tab within each online application and will enable authorities to assess and comment on plans against a comprehensive ‘Check List’ in DataSpace-Live. As an authority works their way through the check-list the user can assign a status, report an outstanding condition and even add comments to them. Coloured flags that change from red to green also indicate when each check has been completed.
Once they have completed all the checks in the list the authority can then press a ‘Notify’ button to send an automated email or text message of the results to the agent straight from DataSpace-Live. If the message the applicant or agent receives has alerted them to issues or outstanding conditions that need their attention they can then login to their Submit-a-Plan account to view the details as well as respond with a comment or by uploading any documents as required.
PlanCheck like DataSpace-Live can be accessed from anywhere with internet accesses and also allows you to invite plan-checkers in, meaning not only can plan-checking be carried out by members of your team working from home but also by freelancers, providing you with flexibility.
*Just added: If you use our 'Reports' facility you can now run reports on Plan-Checking activity, statuses and fees across the applications in your DataSpace-Live account.

DataSpace-Live Reports
Standard Forms
Our standard forms facility enables you to create a range of documents online within DataSpace-Live itself, such as initial notices, approval certificates, inspection reports and standard letters which can then be shared with an applicant, agent or another contact. By pressing the new ‘Create Document’ button in the ‘Documents’ tab of an application you’ll be able to select the document you wish to create from a list and a standard template form will open on your screen.
When your new document template opens you will find various fields where your document information will appear. Some of these fields are pre-populating fields ie. information the system can pull and merge from DataSpace-Live ie – application submission IDs, applicant or agent name, work locations etc. Other fields will be editable which you can type your information or comments into. You’ll then be able to save the document and share it with the applicant or agent.
All of these template fields, both pre-populating and editable, can be added or removed by you, meaning that you can decide how you would like your different document templates to look and what you would like them to contain. This means that if you would like your approval certificates to contain the same series of information each time, you can set these fields up as a template which open in DataSpace-Live every time you click the ‘Create’ button to fill in a new certificate. You can have as many templates as you like for different types of documents and manage them in our new User Admin Tool.
*Just added: Using our new 'Client' folder in an application's 'Documents' tab, you can now instantly share approval certificates and other documents with the applicant and agent.
User Admin Tool
Our 'User Admin Tool' will enable authorities to manage some of their own users and DataSpace-Live settings. The admin tool will be accessible to a department manager or administrator as decided by you where that person will be able to add, edit or remove users, as well as similarly managing those elements of different DataSpace-Live modules and tools which are changeable such as inspection types, templates, standard notes and the checks included in the PlanCheck check-list etc. The 'Admin Tool' section will also be the home of 'DataSpace-Live Reports'.
Application Comments
Ever thought it would be handy to add important comments or notes to an application? Well now you can using the new ‘Comment’ button now added to most application tabs with DataSpace-Live. Whether related to a phone conversation with a client, discussion with a consultee or a detail about a plan-check or inspection, you can now add your comment to the application which will be visible under the application ‘Details’ tab for all your team to review.
Application Comments

The 'Edit Application Details' Button
Next time you visit the ‘Details’ tab within an application be sure to take a look at the ‘Edit Details’ button. The existing ‘Edit’ button has been redeveloped to allow you to edit a wider range of application details from the applicant and agent’s name, address and communication details to the work location and description. Further still, for those authorities using DSLive as their Back Office System a Back Office Reference ID can now be generated for each application automatically here in the ‘Edit Details’ section. The authority can initially setup how they would like these references to be configured in the ‘User Admin Tool’ and each reference can be overridden and edited if required.
'Edit Application Details'

Document Search
For those applications with a large number of documents we have now released our ‘Document Search’ tool, making it quick and easy to locate a specific document in an application’s document list. You can search by word or if you happen to know it, a document number. We have also now configured an application’s documents list to load in sets of 25 documents at a time with forward and back buttons to move through each page of 25 items. This should make loading the application documents list even quicker.
Document Search