DSLive & Integration
all you need for building control in one place
What is ‘Integration’?
Integration can be defined as a combination of parts that work well together. Within DataSpace Live, integration means providing authorities with everything they need in one place. Here at Submit-a-Plan we like to ask local authorities what tasks they undertake every day and then we go away and build solutions into DSLive that will enable them to carry these out. Below we look at the different ways DSLive makes life easier for building control departments on a daily basis, saving time, effort and money along the way.
1. DSLive as a Back Office System
You no longer need to register your applications in a separate Back Office System but can do this quickly and easily right in DSLive where applications are received. Rotherham are the latest authority to dispense with a separate back office system and use DSLive alone, saving them the time they would normally spend registering all their apps. DSLive is being continually developed to assist you in all your administration and management needs so that all of your department's tasks can be carried out using one system, including taking application payment, creating reports, managing your users and their workflow and creating certificates and documents, just take a look below.
2. Integration Modules
Our PlanShare, PlanCheck and Inspections integration modules take care of all your consultation sharing, plan-checking and inspection needs all in one place online in DSLive. Being able to carry out all of these tasks in DSLive means all their information is located in one place together and connected to one another, so can be easily accessed from anywhere with internet connection and can be instantly shared or reported on and monitored. Find out more about these modules here>
3. Online Application Payment
Integrate DSLive with your own council’s online payment system to send application payment requests from your DSLive account and receive online debit or credit card payments. Combined with ‘DSLive Reports’ you can then monitor and review paid or unpaid application fees and create reports on the money coming in to your department(s). Download a payment brochure here>
4. Create Approval Certificates and other Standard Documents.
Part of a building control department's daily routine is creating approval certificates and other standard documents connected to applications. Soon you will be able to create a range of certificates, documents and reports online in DSLive, creating your templates and adding your own council heading, as well as sharing your document with the applicant/agent or other contacts. View a screenshot preview of Standard Forms>
5. Manage your Department
There are a lot of management related tasks that go into running a building control department. DSLive can make this easier for you. Use our new User Admin Tool to manage your own users and information in DSLive. Use our workflow tool to define how a new application works its way through one member or group in your team’s ‘to do list’ to another’s. Partnerships – use our special partnership configuration to organise how applications are received and then assigned to the relevant team. In addition, try ‘DSLive Reports’ to create reports across applications and inspections in your DSLive account. Defined by a range of DSLive fields and criteria reports can be generated and exported on the data you especially need to know about – such as the amount of work or money coming into your department(s). View a screenshot preview of DSLive Reports>
6. Application Scanning Integration
Use our Scanning Bureau to scan your paper or archive applications straight into DSLive. Make use of either our Daily Scan-On-Demand Service, sending us your new paper applications or an archive application to be scanned by the next day into DSLive for processing. We also offer large volume scanning projects to scan in your boxes of archive apps. Download a Scanning Brochure>
7. Planning Integration
We have two options for integrating your planning applications with DSLive. Subscribe to our basic Planning Portal Import module to simply import and process your planning applications from the Planning Portal, or sign-up to our complete DSLive Planning account for your planning department to make use of all the processing, approval, administration and management tools mentioned in this article. Download a Planning Brochure>