Introducing Resource Live
Resource Live is a dynamic new company created to provide cost effective, quality assured managed services to Building Control bodies nationally. We seek to create an environment where Building Control Bodies can operate successfully knowing they have access to the technical and commercial expertise when they need it.
While Resource Live is new, our expertise in the business of building control is well proven. Resource Live is supported by individuals and businesses that have significant expertise in all elements required in the delivery of a successful Building Control Service. DataSpace, our integrated cloud-based technology platform is well established and respected in the Building Control Sector and is a product dedicated to providing a platform for development professionals to communicate and work efficiently in a flexible work environment.
Our technical team are qualified professionals with the appropriate skills and significant expertise in the technical and commercial requirements necessary for an effective Building Control service.
Our ethos is to provide timely access to the resources, skills and services to enable Building Control Bodies to continue to deliver an effective service, and to provide input if required to facilitate the improvement in services.
Our model is based upon dynamic delivery of our services, which allows us to respond to your need when you need us. Our scalable model allows for assistance with elements of individual applications through to a fully managed service model to satisfy all service requirements
The Model
Recent events have highlighted the need to ensure that the Building Control process is robust at all stages in the development. It has been evidenced that a significant factor in the delivery of these services is the availability of appropriate resource. The recent report ‘Building a Safer Future – Independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety: Final Report’ has reaffirmed that Local Authorities need to ensure that they have sufficient competent resource to deliver their Building Control service.
The above report also identifies the need to ensure that those involved in the building control process should aim to capture, hold and add information that will, over time, form as complete a dossier of building information as possible to assist in the future management of buildings.
Our Resource Live model is structured to provide both the technology infrastructure to allow these requirements to be satisfied, but also to provide access to the appropriate competent resource to deliver all elements of the Building Control process.
The key element in delivering a resilient model for Building Control Services to achieve the required standards is to adopt a platform that enables data to be shared securely and dynamically with all those that may be involved with the project.
By receiving, processing and storing Building Control applications/incidents within the DataSpace platform allows a Building Control Service to assign the appropriate resource to the project from both within the Authorities’ own internal resource and to the full extent of the resources available from within Resource Live.
Resource Live provides access to the following services:
Interim management
Caseload management
Enquiry handling
Quotation preparation
Pre-application advice
Application validation
Receipt and processing of payments
Application processing
Detailed plan/design assessment
Consultation management
3rd party validation of plan/design assessments undertaken internally
Agent/client liaison on matters raised during design assessment
Specialist review
Structural design
Fire Safety/Fire engineered design
Environmental/sustainability design
Acoustic testing/design
Mechanical/Electrical design
Disabled/accessibility design
Quality assessment/audit
Site inspection
Planning condition monitoring
Attending dangerous structures
Dangerous structure management
Enforcement inspections
Enforcement case handling
Processing demolition notices
Business process assessment and re-engineering
Policy development and authoring
Safety at Sports Grounds management
Marketing and business development
Mobile/agile working strategy
Quality and Performance
Resource Live is committed to delivery of quality assured services to aid Local Authorities with their Building Control business.
Our processes are customisable to suit the needs of our clients. We operate within an ISO 9001 Quality Management environment and we will ensure that our services integrate seamlessly with your existing QMS whether that is an individual accreditation or as part of the national LABC QMS.
We carefully assess all our resources under our competency framework, at both a company and individual level, to ensure that the resource used on your project is competent to undertake the function required.
Both standard and bespoke reports can be provided to enable you to manage the performance of both your internal resources and give you the reassurances that the services delivered by Resource Live meet the standards required by your clients and stakeholders.
Interested Parties
The Resource Live model helps you to communicate effectively with all interested parties.
Through the project management process the DataSpace system allows you to communicate effectively with all members of the project team e.g.
Building Control Team
External resources
Fire and Rescue Authority
Health and Safety Executive
Internal departments
The use of DataSpace by Resource Live enables live interaction between all parties within a controlled environment which provides full control over access to data relevant to the role undertaken.
The system is supported by dedicated ‘Mobile Apps’ to allow Building Control Surveyors to capture live detailed reports (inc. notes, photographs, audio notes and outstanding actions etc.) and to share this information with the client, agent, builder etc.
Commercial Considerations
Following recent events, it has been identified that that the commercial environment in which Local Authority Building operates in, may not be conducive to delivering a robust building control service. Notwithstanding this observation, a Local Authority Building Control Service is still bound by The Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010 and is therefore prevented from demonstrating a profit on the fee earning element of the Building Regulations. It is therefore incumbent upon Local Authorities to fund the non-fee element of the Building Control function by other means. The Resource Live model delivers significant opportunities for Local Authorities to utilise their existing resources more effectively and create opportunities to generate additional revenue streams outside of the control of the Charges Regulations.
To talk to us about Resource Live contact us on 01242 260505 /