Dictate your inspections - Now using our surveyors inspection app, you can just dictate your inspection notes, quickly, simply and reliably. If you hate typing up your notes, you have to try this app. When you combine it with photos, this makes light work of all your observations on-site.
Inspection Photos - Photos are now associated directly with an inspection, and you can upload additional photos to an inspection if required. The photos can now be seen from the documents tab against an inspection. Inspection reports have been changed to offer the option of embedding the photos into the report, and also you can now choose to not have all documents listed in the inspection report. If they are listed they now go at the bottom of the report. The Inspection app, will now also show either all documents, or just the documents associated with the inspection.
Downloading Applications - Select applications to download straight from the App using a search facility (See the Magnifying glass tool).
Inspection Regimes - Apply an inspection regime from the App, add an inspection to the regime already on the App, apply an inspection regime from a template from within the App. This all makes it easier to hit the ground running, and allows you to add Inspections you may have missed during the setup, saving time and money.
Adhoc Inspections - Inspections can now be carried out ad-hoc in DataSpace Live, in the sameway as the Inspection app allows.
Application Workflow
Workflow Status - We can now easily set any workflow stage to update the status shown to the applicant/agent meaning the system notifies your client as soon as a workflow stage is reached. Ask helpdesk to set this up for you.
Multiple Workflows - You can now have more than one workflow for each form type, meaning larger projects can have their own workflow compared to an extension for example.
Other DSLive Updates
SMS Notifications - Individual authorities can now opt out of SMS notofications.
Site Contacts - You can now delete site contacts.
Documents List - A new button in the corner of the document lists, now copies a list of the documents to the clipboard, so they can be included in an approved document list for example. Manipulation can be done in MS Excel if required.
Time Out - When entering comments anywhere in the system, you will not be timed out. (System flush could still log you out however)
Smart Forms - Smart forms have had a visual enhancement to provide tool tips on check boxes and also drop down lists. All can be set in the Admin tool. Resizing Smart-forms is now more polished.