DSLive User Admin Tool
Our DSLive User Admin Tool enables authorities to control some of their own DSLive settings and information. Authorities will be able to manage their own users and their login details - adding, editing or removing them, as well as maintaining the address, contact and other details of their building control department that will appear in DSLive and Submit-a-Plan applications.
In addition to this the admin tool allows authorities to manage some elements of DSLive that can be defined by each authority individually. For modules like DSLive Inspections and PlanCheck authorities will be able to set up and manage the templates, inspection types, plan-check checks and standard notes and responses that they will use on a daily basis when working with these tools. With our new Standard Forms tool which enables authorities to create and share certificates, notices, reports and other documents with applicants and agents online in applications, the Admin Tool is the nerve centre where they can upload their own templates for these documents or ones created specifically for them by the team here at Submit-a-Plan.
Even more impressive is our addition of ‘DSLive Reports’ which enables authorities to create reports across all applications and inspections and eventually plan-checking in DSLive. Our reporting facility will enable them to define which applications or inspections they wish to report on by choosing their own criteria, whether for all applications or inspections currently in their DSLive account, or those by month, period or year, by location, agent or applicant, by fee or other data. The resulting report can then be viewed, saved, exported to PDF or excel, printed or shared. 'DSLive Reports' is aimed at helping authorities manage and keep track of the work and money coming in to their department as well as reviewing overall department performance.
The Admin Tool is not accessible to all users but by a manager and/or a selected administrator/technician. In order to have access to it, the head of building control will confirm which email addresses need admin/supervisory access to DataSpace Live and the Admin Tool.