Useful DSLive tips for the on-going year!
Here are 5 of our top tips for using DSLive:
1. Make sure you sign out properly using the 'Sign Out' link in your profile, this will prevent the system thinking users are still signed in and that your licences are used up.
2. Download multiple documents at a time by holding the 'Shift' key on your keyboard when selecting them in the documents list. Once highlighted, right-click and select 'Download'.
3. Organise documents into folders by choosing the 'Add Folder' button and dragging and dropping documents into your newly created folder to deposit copies of them.
4. You can use the tools in the DSLive Document Viewer to view, measure, markup and make notes on documents and plans as well as setting the calibration you need and blocking out sensitive data. You can also use the adobe viewer to view a document as a PDF byright-clicking on the document and selecting 'View in Adobe'.
5. Any time now our 'User Admin Tool' will be released to DSLive, where you can now add/remove, edit and manage your own DSLive users among other things. We will tell you more about this very soon.
For guide-sheets and video tutorials and tips for using DSLive, head over to our DSLive Help Hub>
Alternatively if you need assistance or have a question, you can contact us at the details below.